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Since Wingspan has migrated over to PC gaming from being a real life card game, that means it is now easier than ever to play with friends. And you can make it even EASIER with a little help from us. No tables, couches, or even netcode needed! Honestly, not even friends are needed, because with the Parsec Arcade you can let anyone on Parsec flap their way into your relaxing habitat. Allow us to show you:

  1. Download Wingspan

  2. Start the game on your computer

  3. Download Parsec for free and install it

  4. Head to the Parsec Arcade, and choose to host Wingspan – you can make a public or a private game

  5. Share the big link with your friends

  6. Your friends will be asked to download Parsec too, and once they have, you’ll be ready to play together

Easy, right? Start playing Wingspan online with Parsec.

Power your remote workplace. Try Parsec for Teams.