
Spelunky 2 doesn’t have online co-op right out of the box, but that’s where Parsec comes in to change up the tempo. The original Spelunky wasn’t just a favorite in our office, it remains one of the most played games of our software! Even when online co-op does finally make its way to Spelunky 2 you’ll still be able to use us for the other ‘local’ modes.

  1. Download Spelunky 2

  2. Start the game on your computer

  3. Download Parsec for free and install it

  4. Head to the Parsec Arcade, and choose to host Spelunky 2 – you can make a public or a private game

  5. Share the big link with your friends

  6. Your friends will be asked to download Parsec too, and once they have, you’ll be ready to play together

Easy right? Start playing Spelunky 2 online with Parsec.

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