
Perilous adventures of booty-hunting sea rovers are never an easy task, especially when your crew has been cast into mere rats. Now you and up to 3 friends must make your way through a world not designed for your new shape, on an epic quest to stop the Pirate Witch that transformed you. You'll just have to bring Parsec along for your cursed crusade if you wanna play online!

  1. Download Curse of the Sea Rats

  2. Start the game on your computer

  3. Download Parsec for free and install it

  4. Head to the Computers tab, share your machine, and choose to host Curse of the Sea Rats (or your whole screen)

  5. Share the big link with your friends

  6. Your friends will be asked to download Parsec too, and once they have, you’ll be ready to play together

Easy, right? Start playing Curse of the Sea Rats online with Parsec.

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