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A Primer On Building UDP Networking Protocols — How We Deliver Low Latency Cloud Gaming

by Chris Dickson and Benjy Boxer

Last night, our co-founder and CTO, Chris Dickson, gave a quick talk about UDP and some of the choices we made while building our protocol for accessing PC games remotely.

Chris presenting. Full presentation can be found at the end of the article.

With Parsec, you can either play via cloud hardware or connecting to your own gaming machine. This networking is a core piece of our technology and how we deliver a reliable, low latency gaming experience across any Windows, MacOS, or RPi 3 computer. In this presentation, Chris discusses general information about building your own protocol and demonstrates some of the benefits our protocol has given Parsec.

We believe that we’re entering a new phase of computing where we will all have access to the best computing resources from any device, even a low-powered one, like a Raspberry Pi. This will free consumers from the constant hardware upgrade cycles and deliver a seamless experience across all devices.

Here’s the presentation from the event Chris spoke at — Code Driven NYC.

Building a UDP Protocol For Cloud Gaming from Benjy Boxer

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